Kodiak City Council Could Ban Hunting, Also Paintball Guns

The legal harvest of a deer during hunting season last year on Near Island has had some lasting and unintended consequence.

Because of that incident, staff in the city managers office at Kodiak City Hall have decided to float an ordinance change that would ban the discharge of firearms within city limits. It would also ban the discharge of other “dangerous weapons,” capable of firing other deadly projectiles.

The ordinance is up for introduction at Thursday’s regular city council meeting.

Though no accidents or injuries attributable to a lack of a ban could be found to cite in the city manager’s memo to the mayor and council members, staff is nonetheless recommending its passage.

There has been no prohibition against the safe and responsible discharge of firearms within Kodiak City limits for more than 10 years, but in the agenda packet memo, the discussion hinged on the increased density of human activity on Near Island and the resultant need for a “no-hunting” policy and a city-wide ban on firearm discharges.

The ordinance, as written does not prohibit use of firearms in lawful protection of life and property, crime prevention or on established firing ranges.

The ordinance does, however, define “dangerous weapon” as including blow guns, bows, compound bows, crossbows, pellet guns, BB guns and even paintball guns.

If passed, the discharge of any of these would result in a $300 fine.

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