Instructor Leads Kodiak Women in Art of Krav Maga

Instructor Kory Davis demonstrates Krav Maga technique with help from Merissa Koller Williams. Kayla Desroches / KMXT
Instructor Kory Davis demonstrates Krav Maga technique with help from Merissa Koller Williams. Kayla Desroches / KMXT

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

An instructor in the art of Krav Maga flew into Kodiak this week as part of a selection of courses that focuses on self-defense for women.

Kory Davis from Israeli Krav Maga Alaska says the Israeli self-defense system has its origins in the 1930s and 40s and has evolved since then. He says it’s about preparing men, women and children to get themselves out of difficult situations rather than wait for rescue, and it’s not about combat.

“A lot of people have a misconception about Krav Maga, and to clarify, you don’t get beat up so bad and it’s not like MMA, it’s not this thing, it’s technique based. We don’t do that competitive sparring. You kind of need your brain cells.”

Merissa Koller Williams, Healthy Tomorrows coordinator, says her organization together with Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center and KANA helped bring the class to Kodiak.

“This sort of hit home for me because a young lady close to me was sexually assaulted in Kodiak a couple of months ago and it occurred to me that it does happen here and it’s not something that I had really ever thought about before and I wanted the women of Kodiak to be prepared.”

This class is one of a couple of other workshops this week that Koller Williams has helped organize. There are several local instructors involved. Dan Eubanks will teach a karate class at the Kodiak Baptist Mission Heritage Center gym on Friday starting at 6 p.m. and again Saturday at 5 p.m.

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