KMXT Sustainability Campaign

The purpose of this campaign is to educate and inform the Kodiak community about how to reduce energy consumption, recycle resources and products and reuse rather than discard materials.Our goal is to define terms such as “carbon footprint”, offer useful tips for energy conservation that all of us can use, promote responsible use of our resources, offer suggestions for sustainable development and recognize national, state and most importantly local initiatives and programs addressing sustainability issues.

Sustainable Development:Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."From the time sustainable development was first endorsed at the UN General Assembly in 1987, the parallel concept of education to support sustainable development has also been explored.Research shows that basic education is key to a nation’s ability to develop and achieve sustainability targets.Ultimately we believe a better educated community will better address it’s sustainable health for future generations.

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