Union Contract on Assembly Agenda Tonight

Jay Barrett/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly will be meeting in a regular session tonight.

The assembly will be voting on a contract extension of the collective bargaining agreement between the borough and the Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, and adjust the pay scale and cost of living adjustments for both union and non-union employees.

Also on the agenda is a public hearing about an ordinance to determine assessed value of property that qualifies for a low-income housing tax credit. If passed, the assembly also has a resolution authorizing the borough to assess the Fir Terrace apartments on Mill Bay Road as low-income property, based on restricted rents.

Another ordinance would rezone a tract of land in Old Harbor from residential to industrial.

Assembly members will also likely want a progress report on the search for a project manager to oversee the Kodiak High School expansion and renovation.

The meeting starts at 7:30 in the assembly chambers, and will be broadcast live on KMXT.

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