New Dog Park, Sidewalk Repair, and Phillipine Consulate Visit on City Council Agenda

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

Public property use for a consular outreach program and a code change for a  new dog park are both items on tonight’s agenda for the Kodiak City Council regular meeting.

The Filipino-American Association of Kodiak has filed a request to use the Teen Center between July 31 and August 1 for a visit from the Philippine Consulate General’s representatives from San Francisco.

City Manager Aimée Kniaziowski explains the visit as a public service.

“The Philippine consulate does their traditional outreach program to either residents of the Philippines or people that might have questions about their status or their ability to work toward getting American citizenship,” she says. “It’s a really wonderful program and that happens every year and the Fil-Am Society always sponsors that.”

Also on the agenda is authorization of a bid award for repairs on sidewalks around the city.

“We have a very large network of sidewalks and curbs and whatnot that get damaged or just worn out over time, so we issue that bid each year depending on the amount of funds that we have available, award that bid, and then Public Works works with the successful bidder to identify those areas that might need to be repaired or replaced,” says Kniaziowski.

According to the agenda, the council has previously granted the contract to the lowest “responsible bidder,” which this year is Unitemp Mechanical Insulation.

Kniaziowski says a new piece of business will adjust code to allow for the establishment of a leash-free dog park in town.

“You have to have your animal on a leash in the city limits and there’s a lot of misconception about that,” she says. “They think that perhaps that they can be leash free and there is no leash-free area. But this will create that one section in East Addition Park, and they’re working on getting that prepped.”

She says it’ll take another reading of the ordinance and then 30 days plus some wait time before it becomes effective.

The city council will discuss these three issues among others at tonight’s meeting, which begins at 7:30 p.m. in the assembly chambers.

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