Village Schools Get New Flooring and Playground Equipment

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

The Kodiak Island Borough is working to finish up infrastructure updates in the villages before students return to school.

Matt Gandel says the borough replaced some of the flooring in the smaller Karluk and Ahkiok schools, and is now updating Ouzinkie.

“So, we’re basically replacing the existing carpet with new carpet for the most part. There’s a little bit of sheet vinyl in some of the areas that are nearby sinks and janitor’s closets that might get a little more wet. And most of the flooring in those schools hasn’t be replaced in 25 or 30 years.”

He says as part of the project they replaced the plywood of the subfloors so that they have a solid base to attach the new flooring to.

Gandel says the budget behind the project is about $350,000. He says the borough and the school district work together on renewal and replacement projects like this one.

Ouzinkie is the last school due for new flooring this time around.

Gandel says it will take a little longer that the other two schools because it’s larger. They started on July 1, and Gandel says they’re likely to wrap up by the end of the month.

Meanwhile, they’re also working on installing new playground equipment in the island communities.

Gandel says they’ve completed Chiniak, Karluk, and Larsen Bay, and are now working on Port Lions. After that comes Ouzinkie, Ahkiok and Old Harbor.

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Creator: Cynthia Christman Copyright: NOAA Fisheries Service, AFSC, Natl Marine Mammal Lab

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