Students Document Family Stories

(left to right) Student Anielys Varga, Baranov Museum curator of education Natalie Trenery, student David Castro, and Deborah Bitanga, who’s helping out on the intensive. (Photo by Kayla Dersoches / KMXT)

A group of students recently created short documentaries telling the stories of how their families came to Kodiak.

The Baranov Museum partnered with St. Mary’s Middle School on the week-long workshop, which made use of professional equipment through a Rasmuson Foundation grant.

Eighth grader David Castro strung together photos, a voice over, and an interview with his aunt to share how his family came to Alaska.

He says 12 of his relatives traveled from Mexico.

“My grandpa originally just wanted to work for the salmon industry. He was curious because he actually had some friends from Kodiak or near Alaska, and he thought he’d have a good life there.”

Castro and the other students presented their work publicly on Friday. The documentaries are also available at the Baranov Museum and St. Mary’s.

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