School board to hear presentation on grade school reconfiguration tonight

Special school board meeting begins at 6:30, immediately followed by work session which includes presentation on reconfiguration titled “Reconfiguration Site Visit.”

The Kodiak Island Borough Board of Education meets tonight in both a special meeting and a work session.

On the agenda for the regular meeting are several requests to bid including an auxiliary gym project. There is also fencing projects, maintenance contracts and design and upgrades for the auditorium.

The special school board meeting begins at 6:30 so it will be before the work session. That’s a change from the original plan.

Of particular interest to many during the work session is a presentation on the Elementary School Reconfiguration.

Reconfiguration or stratification as it has been called, would restructure schools to be grade specific. As an example, the initial discussion would put a focus on a configuration of PreK-1st Grade at East Elementary, 2nd and 3rd grade at North Star, and 4th and 5th grade at Main.



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